Our Partners speak about the Iron Curtain Trail project - IPA PP2 DCC, Serbia
The project's imlementation period ended by the end of last year, so we asked our project partners to assess our common work in the last two and a half years. We will publish these short reports during coming weeks on ict13.eu.

Partner’s name:

Project manager:
Boris Čamernik (DCC)


What was your task in the Iron Curtain Trail project? 
To check on-field possibilities, to trace and to define the final ICT itinerary in Serbia. To define and plan necessary development actions for next several years. To calculate necessary funds, resources and participants for the planned development. To promote the route, including integration in existing tourist offer. To construct new tourist offer, based on cycle tourism along the ICT in Serbia as an innovative product.

What is your overall opinion on the project?
Regarding planed and realized activities in the project (not only by DCC, but generally - including all partners, and taking into account number and quality of documents that were produced during the project), I consider it very successful. But I am a little bit worried about the implementation and realization rate in the next years, and have a feeling that it would be ideal if the project would actually have "Phase II", with the same partners working jointly on further development of the ICT in SEE. I am sure even without that the route will develop quite fine, but believe that the joint effort would make things easier and faster.

What are the main achievements of the project for your region?
Defining the final itinerary and producing signposting project for the complete route in Serbia.

How do you think this project can have a follow-up for your region?
The best solution would the one mentioned above. But realistic future will be in cooperation with strong stakeholders and authorities in the country: competent ministries, National and regional tourist organizations, domestic and foreign tour operators, transport and road authorities. (We already have good and positive signals from that side.) And off course, successful applying for EU funds will be an irreplaceable instrument to achieve development goals.